Hello all.
After much waiting.
I have finally uploaded the photos.
Enjoy. =]
As we all know, we had our Bikezooka Camp on the 27-30th August.
For those who went, we all had lots of fun loving activities.
For those who had to miss it due to other commitments, here are some photos to show you what you have missed out on. =]
First day.
Moving all the bikes in.
Trying out the trainers.
Morning of Pengarang Ride.
What “wonderful” weather we had. =]
And of cause, the boat ride there.
During the ride.
And back.
The next day, to Pulau Ubin!
The boat ride there.
One of the treasure hunt locations.
The boat ride back.
And of cause, the night of the BBQ.
Where we took wonderful “family” photos. Haha.
Our ‘Home’. Haha.
And in between all that, we slept.
And slept.
And slept.
Oh, I forgot!
Our Captain that has stepped down. =]
Our newly elected Captian
And Vice-Captians. =]
And last but not least.
Packing up the bikes, on the last night.
Random PhotosLesson Time
Lunch in Pulau Ubin
Thats all folks!
the time is 7:41 PM